Saturday, November 6, 2010

What Are Platelets In The Stomach

Mydło, szydło i powidło.

symbol of the State Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw - founded in 1888, destroyed during WWII World and reactivated a year after its completion, located in the pre-war premises Land Credit Society, whose skin is a truly neo-renaissance, built in 1853 by architect Joseph Gorecki - is Pegasus. According to the winged horse of Greek mythology was born of the soil mixed with the blood of a very comely and deadly danger of Medusa, which spurted after the Perseus oderżnął her head. The ticket, which we must purchase in order to commune with the museum collections, if we took him on a day other than Saturday, in addition to Web addresses, prices, dates, subtle decoration, which probably represents a fragment of some cut and some long, descriptive messages, the slogan " whole world in one place," .

information, which has woven a brief introduction, combines some randomness, the impression of inconsistency and breaking out of context. Despite the fact that they are interesting, real and understandable, I suspect that if they accumulated a few times more, would create too ciężkostrawny text, which, incidentally, would have much in common with the permanent exhibits at the museum which is situated Street Credit. After leaving the museum, I felt like a hamster, who was running for too long in the reel.

museum presents its collections divided us europocentrycznie par excellence. At the entrance waiting for our exhibition of the soap, cat and jam ( ordinary - extraordinary. Fascinating collections of the State Ethnographic Museum ), which despite many very interesting exhibits and awards received by the critics (awarded Sibylla Museum Event of the Year 2008 for the best ethnographic exhibition , and first prize in the third edition of Punjab Museum Events - 2008 Willow ) glamor and splendor overwhelms the concept and if anyone is planning to rally after all the permanent exhibitions - which I wholeheartedly recommend against, because I think much better to break a potential "great pleasure" in two or three "small pleasures" - let the measured forces on the plans. Further, the successive layers of not only footsteps "we, Poland and possibly its surroundings versus the rest of the world, reflecting on a certain inconsistency include three more (if in a daze not missed anything) exposures: najspójniejszą, which deals with Polish rites of the annual (typically, both secular and those on the church floor), sensibly divided into seasons, as they once marked the rhythm of human life, bringing a variety of accessories, photographs, tools, props and decorations, the latest, which presents some forty costumes, which wyróżniłbym for maps of the country on the Vistula River, which, with a black square is marked with the location of the city, which the suit could be combined - as found for the units that are more geographic awry ... zganiłbym it only for lack of a najcharakterystyczniejszych costumes in Poland, namely - costumes Lowicz at base (even though I had no strength, kluczyłem among showcases the costumes and with the hope of looking for the traditional Lowicz wdzianek, found only łowicki dress of the bride, if you provide me a grandmother in a fall suit, and his grandfather, it is probably sprezentuje museum), and for handicrafts and folk craft, originating mainly from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, which, as it is not difficult to guess, collect items from cutlery and ceramics, by masielnice and anvil after bars and frames of cars - if someone will look at each individual exhibits, and above all to reflect, it is either chłopomanem seeking the roots of which come from the museum with joy on her face painted, or will be in a state that is in the language of Shakespeare Confuse e.

Krzysztof Okon, Pieta, 1979

first bringing together non-European goods, constant exposure National Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw, which he encountered traversing the buduary, the eccentric Sky flight. Magical weapons Asia, but not the name of that was placed in a physical way in any of the obvious places ... simply leave the world so profane the stairs and chaos accompanying the floor to enter the sacred space of an unknown and under your feet feel the unknown universe. Rozwodząc not too much: some of the exhibits are great, the exposure is awful, colorful numbers and descriptions located in too many instances of the word nieintuicyjnie, drove me to the umpteenth time and in a spirit cursed the responsible person, in my mind I was drinking on the Destruction to these people, because they really should think about changing jobs. In order not to be groundless in relation to what is residually zachwaliłem mention that the exhibition brings together a plethora of objects of art, craft and gear from Siberia, India, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Iraq and Iran to China and Japan. Another exhibition brings us a dimension of traditional and contemporary cultural richness of Africa, going into the space as opposed to dealing with Asian exposure orężu other magical fantach once we are informed, what kind of space entering, but the remaining errors, unfortunately, the creator of this exhibition is not wystrzegli ... We can see its very good pictures (especially appeal to me accounted for, which presents dance of the Maasai), agricultural tools, household objects, weapons, clothing, decorations, insignia, sculptures, masks and a whole lot of things that call for this moment not I can. The last of the permanent exhibitions, which we can see in the building at the Credit 1, is a collection from the late nineteenth and early twentieth century exhibits from Australia and Oceania. Attention is particularly worth on arms imported by Marcel Lukowicz - many boomerangs, both war and ceremonial shields boomerangs, spears and other hunting weapons from Australia and New Guinea. In addition to these objects, the exhibition has been exposed Aborigine art and weapons, shields and body adornment from Malaysia, the Polynesian mats, fans, oars, musical instruments and utensils used to drink kava drinking ritual and Micronesian fishing accessories, shells and jewelry.

Necklace Melanesian warrior

Museum reportedly intends to launch yet another permanent exhibition to be devoted to the indigenous cultures of the Americas. I suspect that, like the rest of the exhibition will be miszmaszem various finds and pyramidal in the context of conceptual misunderstanding. In closing, let me ask two questions: How much in common with the folk culture to the whole swarms chałtur several folklorystycznych pseudoartystów? Is the ethnographic museum should resemble Cepeliada?


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