Saturday, December 4, 2010

How Long Does It Take Occular Herpes To Go Away

Wychował mnie Andy Warhol, ale...

By Richard Kluczyński, director of the Department of Media Department of Electronic Media and Audiovisual Culture, University of Lodz, Lodz and Poznan professor of the Academy of Fine Arts and curator of exhibitions and presentation of multimedia art at the Warsaw Center for Contemporary Art, which I had the last visit, the internet is today "one of the most significant factors in contemporary culture ". German philosopher Johann Herder in the eighteenth century have argued that "nothing is more vague than the word culture" . In the era of progress neurotically curve approaching the vertical, which is undoubtedly the art of ingrediente important culture, seem to be getting more maimed, tear-off on the context and narrative exhaustion amok events. A new, better man chasing and the like can not keep up, widely advertises the ever-faster and increasingly less coherent world as seen through the prism of computer screens, phones and gadgets can not keep the names to learn, although I'm not a crown bits, or at least I think so . Novus Homo Ludens choking up your passwords, logins, pins, and access codes, and discredit to his senses, because the capture terabytes of stimuli constantly miałkich dopompowywanych, pudrowanych and upiększanych filter, which is called the hygiene dopikselowaniem (resp. homogeneous pampered) - in short HD - whizzes by producing revelations - in short, PR.

Kobas Laksa, Roller Coaster Warsaw, 2010

Crossing buduary Ujazdowski Castle, I could not shake the feeling that I molest looped images whose dominant feature is the scrolling itself. Connect, disconnect, forget it. Close your eyes, hold your breath, the projection on the other side of the eyelids? Rather, necessarily, imagination-maintenance to Cyberculture is basically redundant. He taught me, Andy Warhol, but when I am bombarded with penises, breasts, buttocks and vaginas generated using computer graphics new generation, I fear that will never be another Picasso. On a black background black square, and I earnestly crave for any references and - digitalnym drowning in the Dead Sea - grab a razor-sharp stumps of cables, optical fibers and then I see the sky, the stars wypielono, and then sown energy efficient LEDs.

Eva and Franco Mattes, Reenactment of Marina Abramovic and Ulay's Imponderabilia , 2007

looking at randomly selected images ponazywanym also incidentally and without imagination, or objects of utility decorated With these photographs ociosanymi of backgrounds, I realize that not everyone can be an artist and that everyone is able zidiocieć to the extent that illusion that creates modern art. Do you have a chance to generation YUOTUBE guard against flat animation drwiącymi delight in a primitive manner of the most famous politicians or celebrities generously smeared "fotoszopem? Once wanted news and scandals, now we want to be both consumers and creators ... Tomorrow we will be ready to commit suicide for the existence of the Internet, forgetting that the pain is not pain, when they see it all.

Kenneth Tin-Kin Hung, IN GOD [Obama's Global Domination - ks] WE TRUST , 2009

I'm not a consumer located in the standard and hard to find any positive aspect of the exhibition entitled "Future is not what it was, ". I will not yet persuaded anyone that exploring the space between all of these exposures will have a chance to reflect on the mental condition of man in the age of cybersex and online purchases, because such thinking can occur without visiting Ujazdowski Castle, just pobuszować network. If we rummage among the virtual threads, a global web of us do not adequately provide strong incentives, you can always try to submit to criticism (short and simple, to increase the chance of reaction) the actions of some aggressive and active user, which almost guarantees us that we will be challenged from the Jews and the pedals.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

1970's Stereo Receivers

Muzyka wypluwająca w nadrealność.

Weighing Souls with Sand - the third studio album, The Angelic Process - the music ties in the border dimensions, like Dante's hell, is composed of nine parts (not including the last, hidden track) with the word neurotic beauty. LP opens over dziewięciominutowe, powerfully sounding The Promise of Snakes . Vapors heavy cylindrical sounds emerge from silence, without haste, after a while we begin to hear the percussion, and more specifically: the cyclically repeated shocks, which emphasize the passage of time and make it begin to wait.

The Angelic Process Weighing Souls with Sand, Roadburn Records, 2007

The journey begins with " Weighing souls with sand " is a kind, musical picture of calm before the storm, disturbed, and smeared on the potent imagination. Suddenly I begin to reach the strange - as if trapped behind a wall of guitars - voice. The atmosphere turns apocalyptic, and the calm before the storm, rather than change the storm, is transformed into the expectation of something much more intense. Had had "whack" meteor shower? Terrifying and beautiful at the same time a trailer, really rarely happens so charming introduction. Another song ( Million Year Summer ) "painted" was dirt and conflagration; showered filings pain, anxiety, depression, disappointment and grief that ultimately sublimate into aggression. Hot spots of sound and screams, which is impossible to describe or understand. In further compositions of the picture is getting more hallucinogenic (In Dying In A-Minor nearly spills), rhythm suffers an epileptic seizure, sounds very distorted guitars begin to brew, and the vocals - more and more stripped of their humanity - becoming one of the instruments (and cleaner comprehensible it gets only Burning In The Undertow Of God , then disappears for good "). After the ninth track ( Mouvement: The Smoke of Her Burning ) followed by total silence (divided into seven parts czterosekundowych) and after it starts wybrzmiewać "para-epilogue" entitled How to Build a Time Machine which crowns all the way: the end of the smell, the lights in the tunnel can be seen as a snapshot of the past hang on the inside of the eyelids as images on the walls. Clinical death?

Music The Angelic Process blanked from reality, absorbs and spits in nadrealność. The repeated with minor variations at each repetition, short, melodic phrases destruction of man trapped in time and space make that fall into a trance and begin to see beauty in the madness, and that a framework of good and evil scatter into dust. From time to time it gets a bit quieter, but just to another grad sounds planted much more havoc. Before you start listening to recommend to lie and break the hourglass, allow her to bleed to sand, close your eyes and drown in kilograms of musical color.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

What Are Platelets In The Stomach

Mydło, szydło i powidło.

symbol of the State Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw - founded in 1888, destroyed during WWII World and reactivated a year after its completion, located in the pre-war premises Land Credit Society, whose skin is a truly neo-renaissance, built in 1853 by architect Joseph Gorecki - is Pegasus. According to the winged horse of Greek mythology was born of the soil mixed with the blood of a very comely and deadly danger of Medusa, which spurted after the Perseus oderżnął her head. The ticket, which we must purchase in order to commune with the museum collections, if we took him on a day other than Saturday, in addition to Web addresses, prices, dates, subtle decoration, which probably represents a fragment of some cut and some long, descriptive messages, the slogan " whole world in one place," .

information, which has woven a brief introduction, combines some randomness, the impression of inconsistency and breaking out of context. Despite the fact that they are interesting, real and understandable, I suspect that if they accumulated a few times more, would create too ciężkostrawny text, which, incidentally, would have much in common with the permanent exhibits at the museum which is situated Street Credit. After leaving the museum, I felt like a hamster, who was running for too long in the reel.

museum presents its collections divided us europocentrycznie par excellence. At the entrance waiting for our exhibition of the soap, cat and jam ( ordinary - extraordinary. Fascinating collections of the State Ethnographic Museum ), which despite many very interesting exhibits and awards received by the critics (awarded Sibylla Museum Event of the Year 2008 for the best ethnographic exhibition , and first prize in the third edition of Punjab Museum Events - 2008 Willow ) glamor and splendor overwhelms the concept and if anyone is planning to rally after all the permanent exhibitions - which I wholeheartedly recommend against, because I think much better to break a potential "great pleasure" in two or three "small pleasures" - let the measured forces on the plans. Further, the successive layers of not only footsteps "we, Poland and possibly its surroundings versus the rest of the world, reflecting on a certain inconsistency include three more (if in a daze not missed anything) exposures: najspójniejszą, which deals with Polish rites of the annual (typically, both secular and those on the church floor), sensibly divided into seasons, as they once marked the rhythm of human life, bringing a variety of accessories, photographs, tools, props and decorations, the latest, which presents some forty costumes, which wyróżniłbym for maps of the country on the Vistula River, which, with a black square is marked with the location of the city, which the suit could be combined - as found for the units that are more geographic awry ... zganiłbym it only for lack of a najcharakterystyczniejszych costumes in Poland, namely - costumes Lowicz at base (even though I had no strength, kluczyłem among showcases the costumes and with the hope of looking for the traditional Lowicz wdzianek, found only łowicki dress of the bride, if you provide me a grandmother in a fall suit, and his grandfather, it is probably sprezentuje museum), and for handicrafts and folk craft, originating mainly from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, which, as it is not difficult to guess, collect items from cutlery and ceramics, by masielnice and anvil after bars and frames of cars - if someone will look at each individual exhibits, and above all to reflect, it is either chłopomanem seeking the roots of which come from the museum with joy on her face painted, or will be in a state that is in the language of Shakespeare Confuse e.

Krzysztof Okon, Pieta, 1979

first bringing together non-European goods, constant exposure National Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw, which he encountered traversing the buduary, the eccentric Sky flight. Magical weapons Asia, but not the name of that was placed in a physical way in any of the obvious places ... simply leave the world so profane the stairs and chaos accompanying the floor to enter the sacred space of an unknown and under your feet feel the unknown universe. Rozwodząc not too much: some of the exhibits are great, the exposure is awful, colorful numbers and descriptions located in too many instances of the word nieintuicyjnie, drove me to the umpteenth time and in a spirit cursed the responsible person, in my mind I was drinking on the Destruction to these people, because they really should think about changing jobs. In order not to be groundless in relation to what is residually zachwaliłem mention that the exhibition brings together a plethora of objects of art, craft and gear from Siberia, India, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Iraq and Iran to China and Japan. Another exhibition brings us a dimension of traditional and contemporary cultural richness of Africa, going into the space as opposed to dealing with Asian exposure orężu other magical fantach once we are informed, what kind of space entering, but the remaining errors, unfortunately, the creator of this exhibition is not wystrzegli ... We can see its very good pictures (especially appeal to me accounted for, which presents dance of the Maasai), agricultural tools, household objects, weapons, clothing, decorations, insignia, sculptures, masks and a whole lot of things that call for this moment not I can. The last of the permanent exhibitions, which we can see in the building at the Credit 1, is a collection from the late nineteenth and early twentieth century exhibits from Australia and Oceania. Attention is particularly worth on arms imported by Marcel Lukowicz - many boomerangs, both war and ceremonial shields boomerangs, spears and other hunting weapons from Australia and New Guinea. In addition to these objects, the exhibition has been exposed Aborigine art and weapons, shields and body adornment from Malaysia, the Polynesian mats, fans, oars, musical instruments and utensils used to drink kava drinking ritual and Micronesian fishing accessories, shells and jewelry.

Necklace Melanesian warrior

Museum reportedly intends to launch yet another permanent exhibition to be devoted to the indigenous cultures of the Americas. I suspect that, like the rest of the exhibition will be miszmaszem various finds and pyramidal in the context of conceptual misunderstanding. In closing, let me ask two questions: How much in common with the folk culture to the whole swarms chałtur several folklorystycznych pseudoartystów? Is the ethnographic museum should resemble Cepeliada?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Scrapbook My Own Birthday Invitation

Promieniujący radosną beztroską.

Sweet vocals with a touch of bitterness (like a modest and sincere smile sad person), sometimes slightly dreamy, other times a little roztęsknione, at times a bit pensive, or lost in an unspecified manner, decorated with subtle plumkaniami keyboards, watercolor and pastel guitar sounds, joyful fanfare of trumpets (najwyraźniejszymi in I Can See Your Future ) and fine rhythm section including with various dźwięcznościami przeszkadzajek (tambourine et cetera), create a beautiful retro-melancholy seventh studio album of Scots (including the soundtrack for the film Storytelling - eighth). Belle and Sebastian Write about Love, because of the question, was recorded in the city of angels, it has produced Tony Hoffer (known for his work, among others, Beck, The Kooks and Depeche Mode), which the team worked well when recording the previous album (The Life Pursuit ).

Belle and Sebastian, Belle and Sebastian Write About Love , Matador, 2010

album opens with the longest of the composition contained him I Did not See It Coming , lazy melody, reminiscent of the dialogue those close to you, sung by Stuart and Sarah'ę casually (in a positive sense of that expression), which at one point surprising shoegaze'owymi treatments - walls of sound and voice emerging from afar (I'm referring to a passage in which the first every fall the words: I did not see it coming / I'm just not in the running ) - so should be "intelligent" pop! This work also convinced me to his skillful inclusions: money makes the wheels and the world go round { money makes the wheels and the world rotate}. Come on Sister, both in terms of melody and text, it reminds me of lighter compositions from the repertoire of The Cure. Another song that caught my attention, catchy songs such as The Smiths I Want the World to Stop was built on a simple, charming, rhythm and melody with twin lined specificity is distinguished alluring vocals and lyrics built so that the accents are distributed almost perfectly and the dot the frazowymi such gems as, for example I'm wrapped in sheets of milky winter disorder {I'm wrapped in sheets of milky mess winter}. Next, the slowest and quietest song on the album, which features Norah Jones is ( Lou Little, Ugly Jack, John Prophet ), basically anything I did not strike down or even surprised, I gave him many chances, looked at him for some positives, but the sleepy pace of bedding nużyło me in a persistent and relentless. Fared much better but I think the song with the guy's number two (Carey Mulligan), the title Write about Love, it has everything you need to have a composition in aesthetics, to which the Scots we have become accustomed - a stirring melody, interesting arrangement and a good text, which makes you want to sing along with the singers. I'm Not Living in the Real World reminds me of the music of Queen, I caught myself on the fact that he liked me after more mindful osłuchaniu. In summary, Belle and Sebastian, after four years on from the "Chasing life, served to us a set of properly optimistic, somewhat radiating a joyful insouciance, paradoxically diverse and consistent with each song, each of which can pick out something for themselves, yet each taste a variety of different styles and treatments.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tips For Grouting Wall Tiles

Potencjał drzemiący w prywatnych kolekcjach.

choosing to Wilanow Palace for an exhibition of photographs from the collections of the twentieth century, Cezary Pieczyński subconsciously I was thinking about the title ( Sleep capital), and in fact the title of the cycle, which commences just that show. The exhibition consists of with over three hundred works, which I think is not without reason have been divided thematically, as opposed to the chronological division, for example, highlighted the potential of greatly in private collections and creative element of the compilation (in the right direction oscillated supposed to accompany me to the escapade to the Orangery). The apparent inconsistency of the exhibition complex from the collections of the Poznan collector stimulates reflection, especially since most of the artistry of the works presented at the nadgryzienia is resistant to the passing of time, but well worth paying attention to the conventions and historical backgrounds of individual photographs, because what at first glance may seem secondary, or in quotation marks already seen, had once been searching through the experiment, or even something like a pioneer par excellence, for example, Animal Locomotion and the Human Figure Eadweard Muybridge. Another compilation of the characteristics of the first reads dormant Capital is that it juxtaposes works by famous photographers, and even the classics with the work of a niche or even anonymous artists. It is worth to remember / know that these photographs are most unique legacy because the bulk of the film, which was probably caused by lost forever. Despite the positive experience he had learned in the Orangery, the organizers would like to point out the sleeping Capital three gaffes: really bad lighting photography, then, that the thematic division of work was not properly marked (you may know about it only from the directory, which is associated with the purchase expense thirty zlotys) and anemic information about it (anyone seen any billboards, posters or flyers?).

The diversity and size

ekspozyji makes it impossible to deal with any more of the photos - they are fighting for our attention. For me this came out victorious battles, for example, the work of Natalia Lach-Lachowicz ( Consumer Arts, 1974) and Bobby Grossman ( Warhol Corn Flakes, 1978), both are sort of a nod to look at art through the eyes of Andy Warhol, give artistic operations rank as prosaic as eating cereal or eating a banana dripping with eroticism. Subsequent photographs, which have managed to come to my attention the longer the daring acts, for example, captured by Frantisek Drtikola and Heinz'a Hajek-Halke'aw around the thirties of last century. In my opinion it's worth looking to be one of the first images of art made by Paul Strand (see for them, we New York the second decade of the twentieth century) and later to jump by twenty years into the future and reflect on the photograph Atlas, taken by Josef Drahomír Ružička (in some ways reminiscent of the classic work.) The exhibition will last until the end of October, I think everyone can wake up (for personal use) one of its fragments.

Frantisek Drtikol, Act, 1929

Lev Borodulin, You are in the army , 1977

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ten Ren'sslim Tea Blog

Przecież nie muszą.

When someone asks me why I'm set for the Church so negatively, usually answer that annoys me is shockingly with verve which intervenes in the life of society. Usually, if my interlocutor is able to discuss culturally, not to be groundless, it treats one particular example (most of our Polish "podwóreczka"), which explains my - "gently writing" - the reluctance of the Vatican and the company. Argument, which I use at the earliest opportunity (long he probably will not forget, because a little bit too much raised my blood pressure), and took a listen to the radio debate yesterday (can not remember whether the Third Programme of Polish Radio and in TOK.FM, but certainly one from these two stations). Rozwodząc not already hit precisely, Archbishop Henryk Hoser, who is head of the Bishops' Panel of Experts on Bioethics last Saturday threatened MPs with excommunication (declarer as Catholics) who would support the eventual vote in any way, the method of in vitro fertilization.

I'm agnostic, but I have in me enough empathy, I can empathize with the policy of being a Catholic who personally would not want to use the techniques of medically assisted reproduction, but opowiedziałby for them (disregard whether and or what part of the in vitro should be reimbursed, because the text is not a place for meditation), because society - for which cultivates his profession - not composed exclusively of Catholics, for whom these methods of conception are immoral. Opponents in vitro political decisions, which according to the Prague archbishop would punish exclusion from the church, should not interfere in any way - nobody is forcing them to use methods of fertilization outside the reproductive system. Blood transfusions for Jehovah's Witnesses are shameful. In the event of an accident, the result of which would lose too much blood do not need to use the technology of medicine ... may choose death.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

How To Make Drop Biscuits From Krusteaz Mix

Felting Felting Felting

Szal jedwabny z filcem *** Silky scarf with felt
Dla Krystyny

Friday, March 19, 2010

Retirements Songs Christien


Szal jedwabny z filcem *** Silky scarf with felt
Dla Ani

Monday, March 15, 2010

Frozen Yogurt Interior Designs


MOVIE speaks for itself. FRANEK IS NOW AT HOME AND ITS great feel.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Ideas For A Skating Party



FRANEK On Saturday

11, 2010 at 20: FRANCIS WAS BORN 1925 - Our beloved son who weighs over 4 pounds and is 58 cm tall. BIRTH OF A CHILD IS INCREDIBLE FEELING, THAT CAN NOT BE JUST DESCRIBE THE BIGGEST POSITIVE SHOCK IN LIFE. FRANIO is very quiet, A LOT OF THEM AND SLEEPS A LOT AND ALSO HOW TO OBSERVE WORLD ARE Daddy. Martusia I feel good and I really admire FOR HER COURAGE. WE WERE ALL TOGETHER BY CHILDBIRTH 12H which lasted until he ended up imperial CIĘCIEM.TOWARZYSZYŁO AGO MUCH STRESS BUT luckily everything ended well. I'm waiting for Frances and Martusia AT HOME .....