Saturday, December 4, 2010

How Long Does It Take Occular Herpes To Go Away

Wychował mnie Andy Warhol, ale...

By Richard Kluczyński, director of the Department of Media Department of Electronic Media and Audiovisual Culture, University of Lodz, Lodz and Poznan professor of the Academy of Fine Arts and curator of exhibitions and presentation of multimedia art at the Warsaw Center for Contemporary Art, which I had the last visit, the internet is today "one of the most significant factors in contemporary culture ". German philosopher Johann Herder in the eighteenth century have argued that "nothing is more vague than the word culture" . In the era of progress neurotically curve approaching the vertical, which is undoubtedly the art of ingrediente important culture, seem to be getting more maimed, tear-off on the context and narrative exhaustion amok events. A new, better man chasing and the like can not keep up, widely advertises the ever-faster and increasingly less coherent world as seen through the prism of computer screens, phones and gadgets can not keep the names to learn, although I'm not a crown bits, or at least I think so . Novus Homo Ludens choking up your passwords, logins, pins, and access codes, and discredit to his senses, because the capture terabytes of stimuli constantly miałkich dopompowywanych, pudrowanych and upiększanych filter, which is called the hygiene dopikselowaniem (resp. homogeneous pampered) - in short HD - whizzes by producing revelations - in short, PR.

Kobas Laksa, Roller Coaster Warsaw, 2010

Crossing buduary Ujazdowski Castle, I could not shake the feeling that I molest looped images whose dominant feature is the scrolling itself. Connect, disconnect, forget it. Close your eyes, hold your breath, the projection on the other side of the eyelids? Rather, necessarily, imagination-maintenance to Cyberculture is basically redundant. He taught me, Andy Warhol, but when I am bombarded with penises, breasts, buttocks and vaginas generated using computer graphics new generation, I fear that will never be another Picasso. On a black background black square, and I earnestly crave for any references and - digitalnym drowning in the Dead Sea - grab a razor-sharp stumps of cables, optical fibers and then I see the sky, the stars wypielono, and then sown energy efficient LEDs.

Eva and Franco Mattes, Reenactment of Marina Abramovic and Ulay's Imponderabilia , 2007

looking at randomly selected images ponazywanym also incidentally and without imagination, or objects of utility decorated With these photographs ociosanymi of backgrounds, I realize that not everyone can be an artist and that everyone is able zidiocieć to the extent that illusion that creates modern art. Do you have a chance to generation YUOTUBE guard against flat animation drwiącymi delight in a primitive manner of the most famous politicians or celebrities generously smeared "fotoszopem? Once wanted news and scandals, now we want to be both consumers and creators ... Tomorrow we will be ready to commit suicide for the existence of the Internet, forgetting that the pain is not pain, when they see it all.

Kenneth Tin-Kin Hung, IN GOD [Obama's Global Domination - ks] WE TRUST , 2009

I'm not a consumer located in the standard and hard to find any positive aspect of the exhibition entitled "Future is not what it was, ". I will not yet persuaded anyone that exploring the space between all of these exposures will have a chance to reflect on the mental condition of man in the age of cybersex and online purchases, because such thinking can occur without visiting Ujazdowski Castle, just pobuszować network. If we rummage among the virtual threads, a global web of us do not adequately provide strong incentives, you can always try to submit to criticism (short and simple, to increase the chance of reaction) the actions of some aggressive and active user, which almost guarantees us that we will be challenged from the Jews and the pedals.


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