Sunday, October 28, 2007

Funny Awards For Sorority Formal

Love of All That I Have To Return

After two years of not berlebaran at home Surabaya, Lebaran 1428 H us yesterday, I was finally able berlebaran especially back in surabaya. For the first time also mbah mbah kung UTI and could meet with rafi.

Yes widths may be normal if we should go home, Go home ya in the city where we born. Since we got married we agreed to rotate home Nona, Nona Nona mean this in Surabaya Palembang to the house next to my wife.

All there is to hear the word home that we feel the spirit of different although often there is a different feeling when we come home again. miss ya feeling of nostalgia, nostalgic and witty wonderful childhood. meet old friends and family relatives.

All along the way home my mind is always spinning back into the past, the times where I began to dare to take the decision to travel. Go without knowing the address of the incident clearly, do not know where to stay. Still clearly remembered I was with two friends I was desperate to makassarese armed with a letter in which there jelas2 OJT placement we do not know the address of a company that we are headed. We still remains desperate to leave. And as we thought before our arrival in Makassar really have to fend for themselves all of them.

Life is a matter of choice and we must also accept the consequences of our choices. I never regret already gone far outside the region. But when I got home and saw mbah kung and mbah utinya rafi multiplying strokes gray hairs and wrinkles on her face, could not help me realize, like there is any guilt in me not regret my decision to go wander but sorry for at least I can spend time with them. And taste to get back home it continued to exist to always be able to accompany them.

mudik labaran In this, the spirit to come back home it flaming, I really miss a house that always brings nostalgia-nostalgia beautiful, the house that I can really call home is always bring the warmth of the family.
Meet again with many relatives and family. And who would I be with my wife and kids for quite a long time. Leave this together adds great meaning to us that this overseas to be able to enjoy again the meaning of the warmth of a home. Before we had packed everything back to back in our routine back overseas. And as usual we also promised to return soon.

of our house is a place where our hearts are. There is always a place in our hearts always call us to go home.

Meskiku fly away ...

passing the time ..

Wherever the wind blows ...

I'm definitely going back ...

(Rice - Breed)

our Eid holiday story in full can be read here


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